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Hi, My name is Christine but my family and friends call me Chrissy.

I am a Certified Nutrition Consultant, a wife, and mother to two beautiful boys. My eldest son, Mikey, is who led me down the path of nutrition, and helped me discover my passion for nutrition and wellness. 

Mikey was diagnosed with Autism at 23 months old, which was life changing for our family. When he was diagnosed I quickly researched interventions and ways I can help my son and was led to dietary interventions that had helped other children with Autism.  The more I researched, the more I found that parents were seeing improvements in their children’s behaviors by using dietary interventions and supplements. Shortly after my sons diagnosis he began having gastrointestinal issues, such as constipation, stomach pain and bloating. I was desperate to do what I can to help relieve some of his pain and discomfort. Back to researching I went and found that there was a huge prevalence of gastrointestinal issues and autism, and that these issues also can contribute to autism behaviors. The more research I did the more I realized how important nutrition is to not just autism, but to everyone in general.  I also learned how environmental toxins, especially those found in your home, such as cleaning products, personal care products, pots and pans, plastic cups and bottles, as well as emotional stress, sleep and physical activity, contribute to your overall health and well-being. These are all pieces of not just the autism puzzle, but everyone’s overall health. The more I learned the more I wanted to know, so I decided to enroll in Baumann College’s distant learning program to learn as much as I can, so I can not only help my son, but help others as well.  I am proud to say I graduated with honors, and although finding the time was difficult, I was motivated by my love for nutrition and more importantly my son.

Being a parent of a child with special needs comes with an enormous amount of stress and additional responsibilities.  What I learned about nutrition I have also applied to my own needs, and managing my own stress.  Plus, when you are a parent of a child with special needs, you want to do whatever you can to live a very long, healthy life, since they will need your support for the rest of it.  Personal time is something that I do not have a lot of, so finding time to go to the gym, or out with friends has always been difficult. What I can do however, to deposit into my “health bank,” as I like to call it, is be aware and deliberate of what I put in my body and on my body.

After completing my course work, I realized how much I wanted to help other people, women and mothers in particular, take control of their own health, and make changes that can not only make them feel great, but can impact the future of their family.

I will share my experiences with Autism, motherhood, being a woman in my 40’s, having a baby at 42, and overall health with you, in hopes to inspire you or just help you see things differently. My goal is to help change your perspective and relationship with food, and to educate and empower you to make changes that will make you feel better and healthier. I will also share some of my favorite recipes and health hacks along the way.